I think I might have told you guys about my arm going numb. I went to the neurologist and he thinks I have carpal tunnel (apparently there is an actually a tunnel in your arm called the carpal tunnel- who knew?). Now my left arm is going numb all the time too. I go for a nerve test on the 29th at the neurologist's, so hopefully that will bring me some answers. Things are getting really bad with my arms. They go numb in the night and wake me up it hurts so bad. And I need my arms man! I use them all the time! So, the big problem is that it hurts to blog, to surf the internet, to type emails. This is not good. So I'm taking a break from ye ol blog.
Hope to see you soon.
Wednesday, September 27, 2006
Tuesday, September 26, 2006
Be still my heart
Sunday night I was watching tv and a commercial came on featuring very familiar looking items. Then the logo appeared. It was an IKEA commercial! WHA??? Then an hour later it came on again! What does this mean? I looked on IKEA's regular and corporate sites and found nothing about a store opening anywhere close to my house, city, or state even. Has anyone heard anything? Or is this just a big mind trick the universe is playing on me?
Also, I just read over at US@ Tod@y this article about this new book and all I can say is Amen Sister Friend! Stop Dressing Your Six-year-old Like a Skank: And Other Words of Delicate Southern Wisdom should be required reading (basing this on the title alone) for all new moms or moms to be. It is NOT CUTE to dress your daughter like a pole dancer. It drives me nuts that the term "wife beater" has become a normal and accepted description for a shirt, but it makes me more crazy when I see little girls dressed like hookers. Obviously little BreeeAnNaH doesn't have a job so the mother is shelling out her own money for slutty little outfits and thong underwear so her precious darling can go to elementary school and what? Do lap dances at recess? Ahem, I'm now stepping off of my soap box. Resume your normal activity.
Also, I just read over at US@ Tod@y this article about this new book and all I can say is Amen Sister Friend! Stop Dressing Your Six-year-old Like a Skank: And Other Words of Delicate Southern Wisdom should be required reading (basing this on the title alone) for all new moms or moms to be. It is NOT CUTE to dress your daughter like a pole dancer. It drives me nuts that the term "wife beater" has become a normal and accepted description for a shirt, but it makes me more crazy when I see little girls dressed like hookers. Obviously little BreeeAnNaH doesn't have a job so the mother is shelling out her own money for slutty little outfits and thong underwear so her precious darling can go to elementary school and what? Do lap dances at recess? Ahem, I'm now stepping off of my soap box. Resume your normal activity.
Monday, September 25, 2006
Haste Ye Back

Haste Ye Back is painted on the sign you pass on the way out of the mountain house driveway. Every time I leave the mountain house I can't wait to go back. I really can't wait to get back together with my girls Shannon 2, Deb, and Susan.
We had a big time this weekend laughing, clapping, chillaxing, snacking, and did I mention laughing? I swear my face still hurts from laughing so hard. Deb, Shannon H & I met up Friday night at the house. The mountain house was built by my Papa's grandparents in 1903. So it's old. But not haunted I swear! We chatted and got settled and went to sleep. At around 3am Shannon H was in my room yelling and scaring the bejeebus out of me. Even though she's a black belt in some sort of Tae Kwon Jitsu she sent me down to check out a noise. It was the wind banging the door and not a mountain man ax murderer. So back to bed we went. Susan joined us early the next morning. We headed out for breakfast, shopping, and touring around. After dinner we went back to the house for game night. Deb brought us all fabulous light up tiaras that we sported during a fun round of Scattergories. After some late night gabbing we finally hit the hay. The next morning we put the house back together and hit the road for home. It was so wonderful to meet Deb and to spend time with Susan and Shannon. It was as if we've known each other forever and I can't wait for our next meet up! The LSKs will ride again!
*Note- I apparently had too much fun to take any decent pictures. So I'll be relying on my comrades for photographic support. But hear me- if any of you post pictures of my interpretive dance set to Prince's When Doves Cry, I will hunt you down and hurt you.
Friday, September 22, 2006
Friends like these...

Saw this driving through my neighborhood yesterday (click to enlarge). My neighbor is turning 50 and her friends pulled a bit of a prank. How fun!
In other girlfriend news...I'm leaving tonight to spend the weekend in the mountains with Shannon 2, Deb, and Susan. I can't wait! We'll have way too much fun and I'll be sure to post pics and tell you all about it when we get home. Well, most of it- us girls gotta keep some secrets!
BPOH Week 8- Final Week
For those of you who are just joining us, we are touring our readers through our homes, room by room. This week we are heading outside to check out decks, patios, back yards.If you'd like to play along please leave a comment that you've posted your pics, along with a link to your site. All those who are already participating are leaving comments that their pictures are posted. Go check out their homes!
Check out the paraders below:
~ Elaine
~ Aimee
~ Lisa S.
~ Mrs. Gumby
~ Jacquie
~ Rachel
~ Julie
~ Michele
~ Judy
~ Jessica
~ Julie W.
~ Alfred's Mom
~ Sandy
~ Kendra
~ Gabs
~ Jesser
~ Ani
~ Heather
~ Sara
~ Lisa
~ Leah
~ Alyson
~ Connie
~ Priscilla
Now on to my house: click pics to enlarge
The deck was a big reason why we bought this house. It's huge and runs the length of the house. Our house overlooks a pond so it's really nice to sit out there and chill. This is what you see when you come out the kitchen door and look right:
Look left:
Straight ahead (you can see the pond at the top of the photo):
Our back yard: (hard to get the whole thing in one pic but you get the idea)
I hope everyone has enjoyed taking a peek at each other's homes. I know I sure have. Stay tuned for the next round of Bloggy Parade of Homes- the holiday edition! Coming in late October!
Check out the paraders below:
~ Elaine
~ Aimee
~ Lisa S.
~ Mrs. Gumby
~ Jacquie
~ Rachel
~ Julie
~ Michele
~ Judy
~ Jessica
~ Julie W.
~ Alfred's Mom
~ Sandy
~ Kendra
~ Gabs
~ Jesser
~ Ani
~ Heather
~ Sara
~ Lisa
~ Leah
~ Alyson
~ Connie
~ Priscilla
Now on to my house: click pics to enlarge
The deck was a big reason why we bought this house. It's huge and runs the length of the house. Our house overlooks a pond so it's really nice to sit out there and chill. This is what you see when you come out the kitchen door and look right:

I hope everyone has enjoyed taking a peek at each other's homes. I know I sure have. Stay tuned for the next round of Bloggy Parade of Homes- the holiday edition! Coming in late October!
Thursday, September 21, 2006
You can't stop her, you can only hope to contain her
Now this one I like

I've never been a big fan of Elmo. His high pitched, nasal voice gets on my nerves. But have you seen the new Tickle Me Elmo- TMX? This thing is a riot! Click here to see what he can do. Be sure to watch the whole video (only about 1:14), the best stuff starts at about 55 seconds. His new range of motion is amazing! I think this one will be going on the Ling Ling wish list!
Wednesday, September 20, 2006
Train em young
My BIL asked Jake, my nephew (age 3), if he was going to Uncle Jon's house. Jake said "No Daddy, it's Shanny's house!" What a smart boy!
Tuesday, September 19, 2006
BPOH Theme- Week 8- Final Week
The final week for this round anyway.... stay tuned for holiday BPOH! This week's theme is back yards, patios, balconies, decks, any outdoor space! Plus, you can always show us something we might have missed. Now, get to snapping pics!
Cap'n Misty Buttscar

Monday, September 18, 2006
Cap'n is in the hizz-ouse!

So this morning I'm getting ready for my day and I apply Dr. Feelgood while humming the song Dr. Feelgood- I can't help it, word association I guess. Fabulous product by the way, makes your face skin all smooth and helps combat shine. Plus it lasts forever which explains why I still have high dollar cosmetics on an adoption budget. While I'm handling the tin I somehow cut my finger. CSP notices me going for a bandaid and asks what happened. I explain.
CSP: Well, then it's time to get rid of that tin.
Me: Why?
CSP: Cause it's obviously a danger!
Well thank the good Lord that tin didn't up and kill me! I asked him (jokingly) if I should go for a tetanus shot after the killer tin cut. Cap then remarks to Molly that "your mother is over reacting." Now if that ain't the pot! Wonder why we call him Captain Safety Pants? Wonder no more my friends, wonder no more.
Sunday, September 17, 2006
Sunday Sundae!
Cap'n and I were out driving around earlier with Kea and Molly when we got the urge for some ice cream. I had a coupon for Brusters so we went through the drive through. While waiting for our ice cream the girl asked if the pugs wanted their own sundaes. Well of course! They made them the cutest little bone sundaes!
For free! We waited til we got home to give them their treats and they loved them!

Saturday, September 16, 2006
The International Jackass Strikes Again!
Some of you may remember when I made a jackass out of myself at our favorite Chinese take out joint last year. It only got worse a few weeks later when I accidentally popped the spigot thingy off their giant silver tea trough thing and sweet tea shot, I mean SHOT, across the restaurant like a hole in the tea dam. Luckily another Chinese take out place opened up closer to our house and I was able to start anew! And the lady there is nice! And she knows my voice when I call! (That means I either have the voice of an angel or a drunk banshee. I vote for the angel.) And she thinks I speak Chinese well! She even said one day if she closed her eyes she'd think I was Chinese! Ok, so that last one was where she was totally trying to get me to order more expensive things instead of me & CSP splitting entrees. Things have been going well. I don't want to mess up a good thing.
So I apparently decided unconciously to take my jackass act across town the other night. The Cap'n and I stayed up at my sister's house Monday night so CSP and my BIL could watch Monday Night Football together. They like to stay up til the crack of dawn smoking cheese (not a euphemism for smoking the wacky weed- they actually put cheese in a smoker and infuse smoke flavor into said dairy. Don't ask me where they get their weird hobbies from, I'm just glad they found each other and I don't have to pretend watching cheese get smoky is SO! MUCH! FUN! I mean, they actually have serious conversations about different wood chip/cheese combinations. Seriously.) Anyway, man can not live on smoked cheddar alone so Sara & I picked up Chinese take out for dinner. We were standing there deciding on what to order when Sara said "Why don't you talk to her in Chinese?" while trying to contain her heh hehs. My Southern accent doesn't mix all that well with Mandarin tones. The Chinese take out lady (from here on referred to as CL) said "You need to talk to me about something?". So I was stuck. Here's where things start to go downhill.
Me: I'm adopting from China and trying to learn to speak Mandarin.
CL: Oh! Ok you can talk Chinese to me.
Me: *Please forgive my guesses on the spelling. I can barely speak it, much less type it out.* Wo shuh mei guaryen.
CL: What?
Me: Wo shuh mei guaryen.
CL: Oh, you're trying to tell me your name!
Me: Um, no, I was telling you "I am an American".
CL: Oh! You sound great!
*Heh. Yeah right.*
We ordered and CL asked if I knew any more Chinese. I was obviously impressing the hell out of her. I rattled off the rest of the phrases I've learned. Such useful gems like "Are you Chinese? I speak English. You speak Chinese. I do not speak Chinese well."
Sidebar: Cap'n and I are tall, white people going to China. So far the only things I can say in Mandarin. are painfully obvious to the native Chinese. Why, I wonder, doesn't my "Quick & Easy Chinese" download on the ol' iPod teach you things like "Where is the bathroom? I'm lost and can't find my hotel. I have sleep apnea and this machine helps me breathe. I promise, nice Customs official, that it isn't a weapon of mass destruction."
After my stunning linguistic display, I noticed a snapshot of a baby on the wall by the register and asked if the baby belonged to CL. She said yes. Sara and I cooed and told her how adorable she is. And she was gorgeous with this cute little kerchief on her head.
Me: What's her name?
CL: Anna Ling
Me: (siezing the opportunity to find out from a native Chinese person the true meaning of Ling since we refer to our daughter to be as Ling Ling) What does Ling mean?
CL: as she looks at me like I'm a world class moron- That's my husband's last name.
Sara laughed as I slinked away to wait on our order. CL turned and chatted with the cooks. I'm sure she was relaying my extreme sophistication and by no means suggesting they make my hunan chicken so freakin spicy that I couldn't get through half of it as payback for completely butchering their language. It's a good thing I like Mexican so I'll have an alternative after getting blackballed at every Chinese take out place in the Carolinas. I did take 4 years of Spanish in school. Lucky for them!
So I apparently decided unconciously to take my jackass act across town the other night. The Cap'n and I stayed up at my sister's house Monday night so CSP and my BIL could watch Monday Night Football together. They like to stay up til the crack of dawn smoking cheese (not a euphemism for smoking the wacky weed- they actually put cheese in a smoker and infuse smoke flavor into said dairy. Don't ask me where they get their weird hobbies from, I'm just glad they found each other and I don't have to pretend watching cheese get smoky is SO! MUCH! FUN! I mean, they actually have serious conversations about different wood chip/cheese combinations. Seriously.) Anyway, man can not live on smoked cheddar alone so Sara & I picked up Chinese take out for dinner. We were standing there deciding on what to order when Sara said "Why don't you talk to her in Chinese?" while trying to contain her heh hehs. My Southern accent doesn't mix all that well with Mandarin tones. The Chinese take out lady (from here on referred to as CL) said "You need to talk to me about something?". So I was stuck. Here's where things start to go downhill.
Me: I'm adopting from China and trying to learn to speak Mandarin.
CL: Oh! Ok you can talk Chinese to me.
Me: *Please forgive my guesses on the spelling. I can barely speak it, much less type it out.* Wo shuh mei guaryen.
CL: What?
Me: Wo shuh mei guaryen.
CL: Oh, you're trying to tell me your name!
Me: Um, no, I was telling you "I am an American".
CL: Oh! You sound great!
*Heh. Yeah right.*
We ordered and CL asked if I knew any more Chinese. I was obviously impressing the hell out of her. I rattled off the rest of the phrases I've learned. Such useful gems like "Are you Chinese? I speak English. You speak Chinese. I do not speak Chinese well."
Sidebar: Cap'n and I are tall, white people going to China. So far the only things I can say in Mandarin. are painfully obvious to the native Chinese. Why, I wonder, doesn't my "Quick & Easy Chinese" download on the ol' iPod teach you things like "Where is the bathroom? I'm lost and can't find my hotel. I have sleep apnea and this machine helps me breathe. I promise, nice Customs official, that it isn't a weapon of mass destruction."
After my stunning linguistic display, I noticed a snapshot of a baby on the wall by the register and asked if the baby belonged to CL. She said yes. Sara and I cooed and told her how adorable she is. And she was gorgeous with this cute little kerchief on her head.
Me: What's her name?
CL: Anna Ling
Me: (siezing the opportunity to find out from a native Chinese person the true meaning of Ling since we refer to our daughter to be as Ling Ling) What does Ling mean?
CL: as she looks at me like I'm a world class moron- That's my husband's last name.
Sara laughed as I slinked away to wait on our order. CL turned and chatted with the cooks. I'm sure she was relaying my extreme sophistication and by no means suggesting they make my hunan chicken so freakin spicy that I couldn't get through half of it as payback for completely butchering their language. It's a good thing I like Mexican so I'll have an alternative after getting blackballed at every Chinese take out place in the Carolinas. I did take 4 years of Spanish in school. Lucky for them!
Friday, September 15, 2006
BPOH Week 7 Pictures: Bonus Room
For those of you who are just joining us, we are touring our readers through our homes, room by room. This week we are checking out bonus rooms- basically any room we didn't cover.If you'd like to play along please leave a comment that you've posted your pics, along with a link to your site and your email address so I can sign you up for reminders and updates. All those who are already participating are leaving comments that their pictures are posted. Go check out their homes!
Check out the paraders below:
~ Elaine
~ Aimee
~ Lisa S.
~ Mrs. Gumby
~ Jacquie
~ Rachel
~ Julie
~ Michele
~ Judy
~ Jessica
~ Julie W.
~ Alfred's Mom
~ Sandy
~ Kendra
~ Gabs
~ Jesser
~ Ani
~ Heather
~ Sara
~ Lisa
~ Leah
~ Alyson
~ Connie
~ Priscilla
Now on to my house:
This is our bonus room. It's the room above the garage so that's why it has those funky angles. The computer is in here too.
This room is kind of the man room so we have CSP's sports stuff up on the walls.
These are the "windows" that look down over the family room below. They make the house feel really open, so it's kind of fun to be able to yell communicate with each other all through the house.

The funky angles have kept me from painting this room. One day... Oh, and for all of you who've left such sweet compliments about my house- thank you! We've worked really hard on it. And for those of you who've commented on how clean it is, I'll let you in on my secret- I cleaned the dickens out of it one day and snapped all of my BPOH pics at once! I loathe cleaning. It's so boring to me, and while the idea of a Parade of Homes was fun, the thought of cleaning my house each week for photos was not!
Next week: back yards & patios!
Now, go check out everyone else's bonus rooms!
Check out the paraders below:
~ Elaine
~ Aimee
~ Lisa S.
~ Mrs. Gumby
~ Jacquie
~ Rachel
~ Julie
~ Michele
~ Judy
~ Jessica
~ Julie W.
~ Alfred's Mom
~ Sandy
~ Kendra
~ Gabs
~ Jesser
~ Ani
~ Heather
~ Sara
~ Lisa
~ Leah
~ Alyson
~ Connie
~ Priscilla
Now on to my house:
This is our bonus room. It's the room above the garage so that's why it has those funky angles. The computer is in here too.

The funky angles have kept me from painting this room. One day... Oh, and for all of you who've left such sweet compliments about my house- thank you! We've worked really hard on it. And for those of you who've commented on how clean it is, I'll let you in on my secret- I cleaned the dickens out of it one day and snapped all of my BPOH pics at once! I loathe cleaning. It's so boring to me, and while the idea of a Parade of Homes was fun, the thought of cleaning my house each week for photos was not!
Next week: back yards & patios!
Now, go check out everyone else's bonus rooms!
Wednesday, September 13, 2006
At least I'm not a malicious destroyer
This thing is pretty cool. Link courtesy of Jesser. I thought it was pretty right on the money with me. ">What's it say about you?
Just in case I haven't humiliated my pugs enough already
I could make them hats like this to wear around the house. Link via Dooce.
Tuesday, September 12, 2006
Bombay, baby

I posted this over at Fancy Schmancy but it is worth repeating over here. I'm so mad at Bombay Company. You may have seen their kid's site- Bombay Kids, but now they've come out with Bombay Baby. And while I'm all for more shopping options, I'm mad because I had already decided on a design plan for Ling Ling's nursery, and now there are way too many fabulous options! Bugs! Bohemian Chic! Gigi! And the furniture, my word, the furniture! I will have to rob a bank or win the lottery, but it would so be worth it just to furnish LL's room with the antique black collection. The changing table, the petite dresser, holy cow, I've got to wipe the drool off my computer screen. It's all too much!
I've seriously been thinking about LL's room ever since I saw the new stuff at Bombay Baby on Sunday. I love to decorate anyway, and this is really throwing me into high gear. But I won't allow myself to start decorating the nursery til we're LID and that won't be for a while (we're on hold until our finances allow for further action). So I just have to drool and dream from afar.
BPOH Theme- Week 7
This week we'll be exploring BONUS ROOMS. This means any room we haven't previously covered. So if you're just joining the parade, this is a great time to get caught up. Or if you have an office, craft room, studio, meditation room, dungeon, etc. this is your chance to showcase that room. Take photos of the room and post them on Friday on your blog along with a comment here that your photos are up so we may view them.
Monday, September 11, 2006
Never Forget
This is one of the best short video tributes I've seen. Made me look at everything in a little different way. I don't have the words to write a sufficient tribute to those lost five years ago. I can't imagine the hurt, the loss, the pain. I thank God that my cousin who was working just a couple of blocks away from the World Trade Center made it home safely. I think because I was geographically and physically removed from the situation, safe at work that day miles and states away from NYC, that it didn't seem real at the time. It still sort of doesn't seem real. To know that kind of horror is just unimaginable. I pray my children will never experience anything like this in their lifetimes. One day I will tell them what happened, so they, like I, will never forget.
Sunday, September 10, 2006
Festiblah & other tidbits

-Yesterday Susan, Miss O, and I went to the Greek Festival. My uncle is Greek and growing up around him gave me a great appreciation for Greek culture, music, and of course- food. Sure, there are some Greek restaurants around here, but nothing is as good as the real thing, cooked by real Greeks. When I was 10 I went to Greece for 10 days to meet my Uncle's extended family. We attended a wedding, visited Athens, Sparta, and his birthplace, the tiny island of Agistri. It was amazing and I'd love to go back. I can still speak a little Greek- good morning (cali mera- forgive my spelling), good night (cali nichta), I love you (sagapo), thank you (afaristo). I used to know the word for watermelon but forgot it. Not like that's a must word to know for travel anyway! Anyway, back to the festival. I'd been once a few years ago and I'd heard the festival had really grown since then. CSP scored me 2 free tickets so Susan and I went. The food was great, and so was the music. But once you've eaten and looked around at the booths, you're kind of over it. But hey, we were able to hang out and have a fabulous lunch. I took home a box of amazing desserts for CSP and I to sample later in the evening. Our favorite thing, besides the baklava, was this delicious almond cookie. I have got to find the recipe. Anyone know what I'm talking about? Not the powdered sugar one, but the crescent shaped one covered in slivered almonds. I'll have to call my uncle.
-In other news, Molly loves to eat bathroom tissue. The smarty pants girl has even figured how to remove the rolls from the holders. She pranced right by me last night with a full roll in her mouth!
-CSP has some major goings on at work right now. He's a grocery store assistant manager and lately he's had to work a lot of really late nights and some over-nights as well. It's really throwing off his schedule, and mine too. The pugs won't calm down and sleep til we're both home, and as soon as they hear the garage door all hell breaks loose. Kea was howling like a coyote last night when she heard him come in. Luickily he starts a mini vacation in a few days.
-I recently found out from my dermatologist that I ahve to stop using scented lotions and shower gels. The humanity! She wants me to do all my washing with Cetaphil. Boo. I may have to defy orders and try the new amber scent at BBW. Anyone out there tried this yet?
Saturday, September 09, 2006
Ribbon round your finger
Just a reminder....Have Blog, Will Travel is still alive and kicking. Go check it out. It's a G00gle group that allows us bloggy people to meet up when we travel around.
Also, be sure to check out my new shoppy blog Fancy Schmancy. Cute stuff people, cute stuff!
One last thing. My end of summer sale at Bellatini was very successful. Thank you so much! I'm down to 5 inventory items. I'll be on a bit of hiatus for a while when it comes to designing more jewelry. Turns out I have carpal tunnel. I saw a neurologist Thursday. He was a nice doctor with an errant eyebrow hair that was coming dangerously close to poking him in the eye. I was so distracted by that hair and spent most of the visit trying to come up with a way to accidentally fall and pluck that bad boy on the way down. I did hear him tell me the painful numbness I've been experiencing in my right arm is due to carpal tunnel. I go get my brace today. In a couple of weeks I go for a nerve test to confirm it. I pray he's taken care of that hair by then or I'll have to sneek some tweezers in and launch a covert attack!
Also, be sure to check out my new shoppy blog Fancy Schmancy. Cute stuff people, cute stuff!
One last thing. My end of summer sale at Bellatini was very successful. Thank you so much! I'm down to 5 inventory items. I'll be on a bit of hiatus for a while when it comes to designing more jewelry. Turns out I have carpal tunnel. I saw a neurologist Thursday. He was a nice doctor with an errant eyebrow hair that was coming dangerously close to poking him in the eye. I was so distracted by that hair and spent most of the visit trying to come up with a way to accidentally fall and pluck that bad boy on the way down. I did hear him tell me the painful numbness I've been experiencing in my right arm is due to carpal tunnel. I go get my brace today. In a couple of weeks I go for a nerve test to confirm it. I pray he's taken care of that hair by then or I'll have to sneek some tweezers in and launch a covert attack!
Friday, September 08, 2006
Welcome to the 6th week of Bloggy Parade of Homes!
For those of you who are just joining us, we are touring our readers through our homes, room by room. This week we are peeping into bedrooms. If you'd like to play along please leave a comment that you've posted your pics, along with a link to your site and your email address so I can sign you up for reminders and updates. All those who are already participating are leaving comments that their pictures are posted. Go check out their homes!
Check out the paraders below:
~ Elaine
~ Aimee
~ Lisa S.
~ Mrs. Gumby
~ Jacquie
~ Rachel
~ Julie
~ Michele
~ Judy
~ Jessica
~ Julie W.
~ Alfred's Mom
~ Sandy
~ Kendra
~ Gabs
~ Jesser
~ Ani
~ Heather
~ Sara
~ Lisa
~ Leah
~ Alyson
~ Connie
~ Priscilla
Now, on to my house. (click to enlarge pictures)
This is one of the guest rooms. Here is the before picture (mainly a blank slate)
I painted it pink in anticipation of little girls coming home! Although since painting it I've come up with a whole other decorating scheme. Good thing I like to paint! 
This is the main guest room that gets the most use. Before:
All of the decals the previous owner had on the wall (they left them for us to remove!) left big spots in the drywall. So I painted stripes to help cover them up.
I love the paint color in the guest room. I wish I could remember the name of it!
Here is the master! Before:
Another blank slate. I decided on a harlequin pattern for the focus wall. I wanted something interesting as we don't have a headboard. This wall is my favorite decorative thing about the room. The wall behind my bed is paint. I painted the diamond pattern using the 2 shades of lilac I used in the rest of the room. Then I painted a sheer blue glaze over it and topped it with a silver metallic glaze. Jon made me a diamond template out of cardboard. We learned a lesson though, we should have started in the middle! The diamonds on the far right are a little smushed into the corner. Oh well! My favorite thing thing in the room is our bed. So comfy.

This is the sitting area. We have a futon in the bay window. Good for reading.
The view from the corner toward the hall.
The view from the corner toward the bathroom. I love the double doors- the big set going to the hall, and the mini ones going to the bath.
Check out the paraders below:
~ Elaine
~ Aimee
~ Lisa S.
~ Mrs. Gumby
~ Jacquie
~ Rachel
~ Julie
~ Michele
~ Judy
~ Jessica
~ Julie W.
~ Alfred's Mom
~ Sandy
~ Kendra
~ Gabs
~ Jesser
~ Ani
~ Heather
~ Sara
~ Lisa
~ Leah
~ Alyson
~ Connie
~ Priscilla
Now, on to my house. (click to enlarge pictures)
This is one of the guest rooms. Here is the before picture (mainly a blank slate)

This is the main guest room that gets the most use. Before:


Here is the master! Before:

This is the sitting area. We have a futon in the bay window. Good for reading.

The view from the corner toward the hall.

The view from the corner toward the bathroom. I love the double doors- the big set going to the hall, and the mini ones going to the bath.

Wednesday, September 06, 2006
Fancy Schmancy
Fancy Schmancy is a phrase I'll utter (or exclaim loudly if appropriate) when I find something cute while shopping. I tend to stumble upon tons of fabulous things that I just love, so I thought I'd create a little shopping blog to share my fun finds with you guys. Go check it out!
Tuesday, September 05, 2006
Bloggy Parade of Homes-Week 6 Theme
This week's theme for the Bloggy Parade of Homes is Bedrooms. You can post about all of your bedrooms, or just your master, or your favorite, whatever floats your boat. Be sure to post your photos on your blog on Friday and leave a comment on my blog Friday so we'll know you're up!
Down from the mountain

I spent Labor Day weeked up at the mountain house with the family. For those of you who are new here my step-dad (Hot as Hale Papa) has a house up in the NC mountains. His grandfather built it in 1903 and Papa inherited it. We go up as much as we can in the spring, summer, and fall seasons. The house isn't winterized so it is way too cold to go up in the winter. CSP & my BIL had to work this weekend so it was me, Papa, Mama, Sara, Morgan, and my nephews Jake & Joey. We had fun hanging out and relaxing. Pictures here.
Saturday, September 02, 2006
Weird food combo *updated

So I've been on a kick this week, eating this certain food combo that makes CSP's stomach turn. I love, and I mean look forward to it like a hot date love, cottage cheese and apple sauce. First you put the cottage cheese in a bowl, then pour the apple sauce over it. You do not stir them together or you lose the ability to taste them seperately then together kind of at the same time. Mmmm. I love it so much. Any of you have any favorite strange food combos?
*Jesser: Your sandwich sounds so good! I'm gonna have to try that. When I was little the idea of fruit and cheese weirded me out. Except oddly enough, the pears with shredded cheese they served at school!
I am shocked that anyone out there had even heard of my little combo. I came upon it by accident. I'm a little scared to try it with salsa or spaghetti sauce, but I'll try anything once.
Julie- I have no idea what a meat pie is. Like a chicken pot pie?
Richann- your mom's sandwich & dunking habit makes me shudder. Bleh! That totally tops my sister's old favorite: pimento cheese and grape jelly!
Friday, September 01, 2006
BPOH Week 5 Pictures: Bathrooms
Welcome to the 5th week of Bloggy Parade of Homes!
For those of you who are just joining us, we are touring our readers through our homes, room by room. This week we are viewing bathrooms. If you'd like to play along please leave a comment that you've posted your pics, along with a link to your site and your email address so I can sign you up for reminders and updates. All those who are already participating are leaving comments that their pictures are posted. Go check out their homes!
*If you played along last week, or anytime really up til now, I've linked to you below. Except for Donna who is in China right now growing her family, & Mary Mia who just got her referral for twins! And is going to Australia! So they've got lots going on.
Check out the paraders below:
~ Elaine
~ Aimee
~ Lisa S.
~ Mrs. Gumby
~ Jacquie
~ Rachel
~ Julie
~ Michele
~ Judy
~ Jessica
~ Julie W.
~ Alfred's Mom
~ Sandy
~ Kendra
~ Gabs
~ Jesser
~ Ani
~ Heather
~ Sara
~ Lisa
~ Leah
~ Alyson
~ Connie
~ Priscilla
Now, on to my house. (click to enlarge pictures)
We have 2 full baths and 1 half bath. Here are the before pics:
Master Bath:

Half bath:
Guest bath:

Half bath now: We took down the wallpaper, painted, replaced the ligh fixture, mirror, & faucet, put up beadboard, and I deco podged (sp?) those 3 little mirrors. I really like this bathroom now. Tres cute.

Guest bath now: We pulled down all the Disney decals and painted the walls the same silver sage green as the formal living room. We changed out all the hardware, mirror, and light fixture. I found the dragonfly wallies online and they went really well with the dragonfly shower curtain we'd already had. I really like the way this bathroom turned out too. I think it is nice and soothing and pretty.

Master bath now: We painted this bathroom atmosphere blue from Restoration Hardware via Lowes. We changed out the mirror and light fixtures. We also replaced all the cabinet hardware with knobs from IKEA. We put up a little ceiling fan in here and I just love having that. I LOVE having a big tub- a first for me (all previous tubs have been standard size).

Things I love about our bathrooms: that we got rid of those big plate mirrors. I think smaller mirrors with more personality can really give the room character. I like the little things we use for toothbrush/toothpaste holders- they are vases with flutey, ribbony edges. I'm not a huge fan of overly themed rooms, but I do like themey bathrooms (themey kids rooms are cute too). Our master bath isn't too themey- unless you count the color blue as a theme. I like bathrooms to be clean and serene.
Now, go check out everyone else's bathrooms!
For those of you who are just joining us, we are touring our readers through our homes, room by room. This week we are viewing bathrooms. If you'd like to play along please leave a comment that you've posted your pics, along with a link to your site and your email address so I can sign you up for reminders and updates. All those who are already participating are leaving comments that their pictures are posted. Go check out their homes!
*If you played along last week, or anytime really up til now, I've linked to you below. Except for Donna who is in China right now growing her family, & Mary Mia who just got her referral for twins! And is going to Australia! So they've got lots going on.
Check out the paraders below:
~ Elaine
~ Aimee
~ Lisa S.
~ Mrs. Gumby
~ Jacquie
~ Rachel
~ Julie
~ Michele
~ Judy
~ Jessica
~ Julie W.
~ Alfred's Mom
~ Sandy
~ Kendra
~ Gabs
~ Jesser
~ Ani
~ Heather
~ Sara
~ Lisa
~ Leah
~ Alyson
~ Connie
~ Priscilla
Now, on to my house. (click to enlarge pictures)
We have 2 full baths and 1 half bath. Here are the before pics:
Master Bath:

Half bath:

Guest bath:

Half bath now: We took down the wallpaper, painted, replaced the ligh fixture, mirror, & faucet, put up beadboard, and I deco podged (sp?) those 3 little mirrors. I really like this bathroom now. Tres cute.

Guest bath now: We pulled down all the Disney decals and painted the walls the same silver sage green as the formal living room. We changed out all the hardware, mirror, and light fixture. I found the dragonfly wallies online and they went really well with the dragonfly shower curtain we'd already had. I really like the way this bathroom turned out too. I think it is nice and soothing and pretty.

Master bath now: We painted this bathroom atmosphere blue from Restoration Hardware via Lowes. We changed out the mirror and light fixtures. We also replaced all the cabinet hardware with knobs from IKEA. We put up a little ceiling fan in here and I just love having that. I LOVE having a big tub- a first for me (all previous tubs have been standard size).

Things I love about our bathrooms: that we got rid of those big plate mirrors. I think smaller mirrors with more personality can really give the room character. I like the little things we use for toothbrush/toothpaste holders- they are vases with flutey, ribbony edges. I'm not a huge fan of overly themed rooms, but I do like themey bathrooms (themey kids rooms are cute too). Our master bath isn't too themey- unless you count the color blue as a theme. I like bathrooms to be clean and serene.
Now, go check out everyone else's bathrooms!
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