Saturday, September 03, 2005


We spent most of the afternoon and evening at my sister Sara's new house hanging out with the family and some friends. I got a look at the fence my husband helped my BIL Marc build last weekin Marc & Sara's back yard, lots of hard work, picket by picket, but it looks great. (for some reason blogger won't let me post pics today so you'll have to click the pic to enlarge) We grilled hamburgers and hung out playing with the boys, my nephews. Jake had a big time opening and closing my cell phone, and now it doesn't work. Must remember that just because they look cute it doesn't mean they can't break things. My camera is acting up too- taking all these psychedelic pictures when you turn it on, but going back to normal after shot # 2 or 3. I can't have all my electronics die at once! Jake had a big time playing with my sunglasses. He looks like such the tortured movie star!

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