Monday, March 12, 2007

ii'm still alive

hey it's me. i'm ob percoset, and typing with one hand. i'm out. i'm fine. my arm is orange from that stuff they smearf all i ver you, my arm hurts like a motha!!!!!! my dr is so cool trhoughj he tookj a pic for me of my open hand. i;ll scan it in tinorrow. now gotta sleep. xoxo


Andrea said...

Glad to hear everything went smoothly. Sleep well.

C's Mom said...

Good to know you're kickin! Now - drug up and get some sleep.

M3 said...

Hooray for drugs!!! Glad the surgery went well and thanks for updating us (kinda funny typing sweetie).

Anonymous said...

YAY! You're ALIVE!!!! (like Frankenstein!!) I'm glad you did well...enjoy the percostat. :-)

Shannon H

foodiechickie said...

Glad the surgery went well. Hope you heal quickly!!

AM said...

ewww. I dont know if I want to see your open hand. But you know I will anyway!

Lisa~~ said...

Glad to hear that it's over and went well. Enjoy the good drugs.

Susan said...

Glad all is well. Thank CSP for that grand update he was s'posed to give :)

see you soon